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Health Care Reform: Another Deadline Come and Gone

Another Exchange Deadline Has Come and Gone, States Still Left Undecided February 15 was the final deadline for states to decide whether or not they wanted to enter into a partnership with the federal government or default to a federally facilitated exchange. Leading...

Surprise! (?) PPACA to cost more than expected!

Wait… PPACA isn’t Going Exactly According to Plan? No Way! That’s right, PPACA is going to cost more than originally anticipated according to estimates released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Tuesday. Back in August, CBO estimated that the overall 10 year...

HR Lunch and Learn Series

Do you want or NEED to know more about HR? Our classes will touch on all the basics you will need for 2013 -- from Legal Interviewing to Strategic Planning for 2014. This is a great series for small business owners, managers, supervisors and HR Professionals.  Classes...

Welcome new team member!

We are pleased to welcome Mary Osborne as the newest member of our sales force. Mary comes to us with over 20 years of sales experience. We are expecting great things from Mary and are very excited that she has become a member of our team!

C & A is Growing!

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new members to our payroll team: Mary Loudin joins us as a Payroll Implementation Specialist. She will ensure the most efficient and accurate transition for new clients to our payroll services. Mary has an accounting...

Welcome to our new website!

C&A Benefits Group has recently launched a new website for our business.  Stay tuned as we continue to update our products and services that we provide.  Our website will continuously be improved by Webbed Interactive to better suit the needs of our customers.

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